Food testing as a method involves detecting the principle substances found in foods. To identify what ingredients food contains food testing is a must. Food testing identifies the quantity of essential minerals and proteins like Carbohydrates, vitamins etc. It also categorizes the amount of Fat present in any particular product. Any unknown chemical component introduced in the food can by detected only by food testing. If in a product exposure to unknown chemical and other ingredients are present the product can cause less than desirable health effects. Food testing is essential to the well organized production of safe, healthy and quality products. Food testing was hardly an issue in the olden days. Nowadays governments are taking increasing interest in food products quality and safety which has increased food testing services. With the food industry gradually subject to a lot scrutiny, proper food testing to guarantee all products are in compliance with food safety guidelines and to safeguard public health, is a must. Currently, in the food industry, it is generally accepted that an excellence in quality management system is instrumental to support business survival and progress in the long term.
Click the link for particulars about food testing equipment
Advantages in Food Testing
Labeling the products – Food testing services helps to label the nutritional information about the product correctly which is useful both to the customers and the manufacturers. The customers come to know of the quality of the product and become aware of the nutrients present in it and can make an informed decision. The manufacturer benefits by increased customer trust.
Ensure safety regulations of the government – Most governments have mandatory food testing and quality checks to their countries product. It is basically to ensure that the products are safe and up to the standard for the customer to use. It ensures healthy and safety of citizens.
Fat and Fatty Acids – The Food testing also identifies fat content in the food and divides the fatty acids in the product into saturatedFeature Articles, Trans fat and mono saturated fat. Mono saturated fat is healthier option. The other two increase risk of cholesterol and Cardio vascular diseases. If by food testing the products are properly labeled the consumer can make a better choice for his or her health.
Elimination of presence of pesticides – Food testing also ensures that harmful chemicals like pesticides and herbicides which affect the health of an individual are not present in the product thereby ensuring overall health of the customer is protected.
Protect the brand name – Contamination food testing prevents contaminated food from reaching the market thereby spoiling the reputation of the brand. Most products undergo contamination food testing before hitting the market. Also a food product which is tested and certified by a proper food testing company has better brand value and more market trust.
Microorganisms testing – Food testing helps in keeping consumer healthy with all tested products by eradicating the existence injurious microorganisms in your food and mainly seafood products.
Preservatives and Addictive – The food testing also ensures that the addictive and preservatives added in the food product are not harmful or injurious to customer health in any way.
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