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byAlma Abell
Renting scaffolding is an ideal route to take if the purchase of the scaffold components and the eventual storage costs don’t make economic sense. A complete system is expensive and unnecessary if it is required for a one time project. Making the decision to approach a scaffolding hire in Glasgow company may provide the ideal solution but it is recommended that the decision be approached cautiously. Cost and structural safety are of primary importance but there are other issues that also should be taken into account.
First off, have a good look at the building or house that is to be fitted with scaffolding. There are a number of different types of scaffolding; fixed, mobile or hanging are the three options, your job is to determine which will best suit the demands of the job. Normally fixed scaffolding is used as it does not require any additional support from the building itself. Mobile scaffolding is exactly what it says, it is scaffolding mounted on wheels which can easily be rolled from place to place. This type is more often used on a level surface and is frequently used in re-lamping projects and ceiling maintenance. Hanging scaffold is a suspended platform that can be raised and lowered, somewhat like a swing stage but guided by vertical tubes.
Once the scaffolding design has been settled it is time to make a list of materials that need to be included in the hire contract. Many scaffolding hire in Glasgow companies have interactive internet web sites that you can check for a pricing estimate. You can easily make a calculation of all the components that you will need simply by entering a few basic parameters, the site will make the calculations and present you with a bill of materials, including cost. As there are a number of companies in most areas that offer scaffold hire services, it is always best to check one against the other in the event there are competitive advantages. When scaffold hire in Glasgow is being considered it is advisable to make the hire within the limits of Glasgow proper as shipping is an expensive part of the total cost and this can be minimized by hiring locally. Not only will you save costs, you are close to technical assistance should it become necessary. Working with larger companies has advantages, such things as erection tutorials and instant repair and replacement of damaged components being two reasons.
When hiring scaffolding never attempt to “jury rig” homemade components. All the couplings, pipe, toe boards, ladders etc are made to fit perfectly and any use of components other than those from the manufacturer can easily jeopardize safety.